With the 2013-2014 Ski Season fast approaching, the U14-U16 ski team dryland training is well underway.
Skiers from the Jasper Ski Team participate in dryland training two days a week. Beginning at 7:10am, our skiers show their amazing dedication getting up in the dark and attending these early morning sessions. The main goal of our program is to build sport-specific strength, while emphasizing overall athleticism. Skiers work on a balanced, full body strength program, which includes a strong core component. The skiers in the U14 and U16 group are at varying stages of growth and development, and many of them have not yet reached their full height. It is often recommended that strength training for this age group be performed without the use of added, external weights. With the use of equipment such as BOSUs and TRXs, skiers build strength using body-weight exercises while also challenging general core muscles. Using this type of unstable training platform has the advantage of requiring more work to achieve than the same training on a stable surface. As the season progresses, skiers work on coordination and agility by learning movement patterns. Building on basic strength, plyometric exercises are used to develop power. Due to our limited time and space, cardiovascular training is not the focus of our early morning sessions. Skiers are encouraged to continue to participate daily in a variety of other activities to maintain their cardio endurance throughout the season. Mountain biking, skating, hiking, swimming and running are all great ways to build and maintain endurance. Each session begins with a warm-up and dynamic stretching followed by strength training, some high intensity intervals, general and specific core exercises, and lastly, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g. Flexibility plays a key role in injury prevention and is an important aspect of overall fitness. Our skiers understand proper stretching techniques and look forward to this part of the session. (Sometimes after a super-challenging session, when it is time for “child’s pose” or shell stretch, it’s what they look forward to most!) Wishing you all another great season!! Sonja L. Dickey
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Registraion Forms now available to download... click on the following links:
Jasper Ski Team Registration Forms: /uploads/2/3/1/5/23152336/2013-2014_jasper_ski_team_registration_form.pdf Alpine Canada Forms: /uploads/2/3/1/5/23152336/alpinecanadaform.pdf |